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Development of an innovative Hybrid Filter Control Panel enabling filtration of highly adhesive dusts as well as oil mists and fumes – HFS (Hybrid Filtration Station)


implements the project entitled.

“Development of an innovative Hybrid Filter Control Panel enabling filtration of highly adhesive dusts and oil mists and fumes – HFS (Hybrid Filtration Station)”

under the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020, sub-measure 2.3.2 Innovation vouchers for SMEs, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

The aim of the project is to develop innovative construction solutions in the field of modular filtration systems. As part of the project, a modular filtration system will be developed with a universal housing design with a lightweight, compact housing containing all the devices necessary for the operation of the control panel, i.e. replaceable filter cartridges, fan, control. In addition, the design of the filter cartridges will be developed that allows the filter material itself to be replaced.

Project effects:

Product innovation – Hybrid Filtration Station (HFS)

Project value: 400 000,00 PLN

Value of eligible costs: PLN 400,000.00

Contribution of European Funds: 340 000,00 PLN

The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Operational Programme. The project is implemented as part of the competition of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development: Voucher for innovation.